Thursday, December 11, 2008

Alpha Females and Marriage

Dr. Susanne Jorgensen in her article Successful Alpha Female Relationships: Part 1 - Busting the Myths, refers to a study that indicates that for each sixteen point increase in IQ, a woman's chance of getting married falls by 40%. How does a woman, particularly an alpha female, beat the odds and find the right guy? The good doctor defers the answer until Part 2, but she has some interesting things to say regardless.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Chicken Little from a Feminist Perspective

Women's rights is a serious issue. Women are gradually obtaining equality with men and I'm a big supporter. Feminism is something else, however. Way over the top in many situations. A case in point is an article that takes offense at the childen's story Chicken Little. I kid you not.

If All Women were Alpha

Want to read a very short scifi story where all females become alpha? It's not very good, but you can find it on The Viewspaper

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Advice on Staying a Step Ahead of Women

Want to read a funny article on how to handle women, even though it's not specifically targeted to alpha females? Read Gil Gunderson's article 16 Commandments of the Punanny on

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Alpha Female Defined by An Alpha Female

The Alpha Female - More Than a Women is an article by Maryann in Alphanista. Seems kind of sexist, but maybe that's the point. Her photo is worth the price of admission.

Can’t We All Just Get Along - From a Nonpartisan Feminist

Can’t We All Just Get Along is the title of an article by Cynthia Ruccia on The New Agenda, a non-partisan womens rights website. The basic thrust of the piece is that women, both left and right wingers, should support high powered women in politics. Cynthia complains that women comprise only 17% of Congress and have not won either the Presidency or VP.

I believe it’s naïve to think that all women, regardless of political affiliation will support someone because of her sex. The country is ready to elect a female President as well as send additional women to Congress. If alpha female Senator Clinton had started her campaign with a better organization, she would probably be the President-elect today.

It’s an interesting article with a number of thought-provoking comments. Definitely worth reading.

Friday, November 14, 2008

What is an Alpha Female, anyway?

Alpha women have always been around, but today they seem to be everywhere. Our society now encourages an alpha woman to be herself rather than trying to fit into an outdated mold. Women’s liberation, feminism, civil rights, whatever you want to call it, well, it’s having an effect.

Back in the day, women were taught to be wives and mothers. Very few professions were open to women. She could become a teacher, nurse, cook and a few other things, but the top jobs, the best paying jobs were reserved for men. HE was supporting a family, after all.

That’s all changed. Women participate in all types of jobs, they love sports, they work out and they develop their talents. And that just an average woman.

The alpha female will push herself to the max. She wants to achieve, to win. She’s confident and she more than holds her own in competition with the guys. She puts in the effort, she does her homework, and she knows what she’s talking about.

She plays office politics and she’s good at it. She keeps herself fit and trim, she dresses well and stays attractive without looking cheap. Not above flirting with senior management, either.

In my experience, the mature alpha woman’s personal life is, contrary to legend, usually pretty good. Most often, she’s in a stable, loving marriage, sometimes with children. Her husband is also in a successful career, and they both work long hours, but the lifestyle fits their needs.

The younger alpha is another story. She may go from guy to guy, not willing to invest in a long-term relationship. She often lacks the finesse of an older alpha, but makes up for it with long hours, a hard-nosed attitude, and lots of attention to male supervisors.

My opinion is based on personal observations, not scientific evidence. To get my prejudices on the table, I like alpha females. They are a challenge, they keep you on your toes and they can be a lot of fun.

Maybe that’s why I started this blog.